maryland nonprofits

Everybody Counts: What You Need to Know About the 2020 Census by Maryland Nonprofits

Everybody Counts: What You Need to Know About the 2020 Census by Maryland Nonprofits

The data collected by the census determines the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives; where voting precincts are established; and to how to distribute billions in federal funds to local communities.

This upcoming session hosted by Maryland Nonprofits will bring together a variety of perspectives to discuss what the decennial census means for the nonprofit sector and our role in ensuring an accurate count.

Partner Spotlight: Baltimore Community Toolbank

Partner Spotlight: Baltimore Community Toolbank

The Baltimore Community ToolBank stewards an impressive inventory of tools to strengthen and celebrate our shared community. Learn more about the important work they do in the community, and how you can join to expand your own nonprofit's capacity.

Strengthening Nonprofit Grants Available

Strengthening Nonprofit Grants Available

CFAAC's Strengthening Nonprofits Fund provides grants for Anne Arundel County nonprofit organization staff members, volunteers and board members who are interested in learning more about fundraising and development, nonprofit management, board development, marketing and communications as well as other capacity building opportunities.

Educational Opportunity: Strengthening Nonprofits - Standards for Excellence

Join the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County for a special briefing to learn more about opportunities offered by Maryland Nonprofits for strengthening your organization, saving money, working smarter, and setting yourself apart from the thousands of other nonprofit organizations.