
Educational Opportunities: ABAG Events for Grantseekers

The Association of Baltimore-Area Grantmakers (ABAG) has announced its 2018 line-up of educational events for grantseekers. The first three are listed here, and additional announcements will be made throughout the year as events draw closer. For more information, or to register, visit ABAG's website.

Educational Opportunity: GuideStar Profile Training for Frederick County Nonprofits

Educational Opportunity: GuideStar Profile Training for Frederick County Nonprofits

We are excited to be co-hosting a GuideStar Nonprofit Profile training for Frederick County nonprofits with the Ausherman Family Foundation! This will be a hands-on workshop, led by GuideStar team members, for nonprofits interested in elevating their public GuideStar profiles. 

Educational Opportunities: Anne Arundel County Speaker Series & Guidestar Training

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County has several upcoming local events of interest to non-profits and the communities they serve, included a speaker series talk on water quality in the county, and a GuideStar Anne Arundel training for donors and nonprofits.

Educational Opportunities: ABAG Events for Grantseekers

The Association of Baltimore-Area Grantmakers (ABAG) has announced its 2018 line-up of educational events for grantseekers. The first three are listed here, and additional announcements will be made throughout the year as events draw closer. For more information, or to register, visit ABAG's website.

Education Opportunities: Frederick County Library's Grant Seeker's Resource Center

Education Opportunities: Frederick County Library's Grant Seeker's Resource Center

Did you know that Frederick County Libraries is the home of a robust Grant Seeker's Resource Library, generously sponsored by the Foundation Center's Funder Information Network and the Ausherman Family Foundation? At the GSRC, you can check out non-profit and fundraising-specific materials, access Foundation Center's search engine for funding opportunities, talk with a grants librarian, and/or sign up for seminars on topics of interest to non-profits. 

Educational Opportunities: ABAG Events for Grantseekers

The Association of Baltimore-Area Grantmakers (ABAG) has announced its 2018 line-up of educational events for grantseekers. The first three are listed here, and additional announcements will be made throughout the year as events draw closer. For more information, or to register, visit ABAG's website.

Funding Opportunity: Capacity Building Grants for Frederick-County Nonprofits

Funding Opportunity: Capacity Building Grants for Frederick-County Nonprofits

The Ausherman Family Foundation’s (AFF) Trustees announced their 2018 Capacity Building Grant Cycle 1 opened on December 1, 2017. Eligible Frederick-County nonprofit organizations whose staff and board members are committed to growing the organization’s capacity to reach new levels of effectiveness may apply.

Board Development Opportunity: How to Be a Successful Nonprofit Board Leader

Board Development Opportunity: How to Be a Successful Nonprofit Board Leader

The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County will be hosting the 2nd annual Anna E. Greenberg Board Leadership Program on Saturday, October 28th in Annapolis -- the perfect opportunity for non-profit board members to learn what it takes to be an informed, knowledgable and committed board member. 

Federated Charities: Upcoming Nonprofit Capacity & Development Opportunities in Frederick, Maryland

Federated Charities: Upcoming Nonprofit Capacity & Development Opportunities in Frederick, Maryland

Federated Charities is hosting a series of capacity building and professional development events for nonprofits in Frederick County. If you're interested in building your personal and professional capacity, you won't want to miss these!